SQL Parameter

Run SQL on your Airtable data with some of the following examples.

Note: You may need to encode your SQL with a URL encoder before passing in to the URL as a parameter.

-- Select all columns and all rows from 'csvgetter'
SELECT * FROM csvgetter;

-- Example: 
-- https://api.csvgetter.com/abc123?sql=SELECT * FROM csvgetter
-- Count the number of rows in 'csvgetter'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM csvgetter;

-- Example:
-- https://api.csvgetter.com/abc123?sql=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM csvgetter;
-- Select rows with a specific condition from 'csvgetter'
SELECT * FROM csvgetter WHERE column_name = 'value';

-- Example:
--https://api.csvgetter.com/abc123?sql=SELECT * FROM csvgetter WHERE column_name = 'value'

See below an example of using the SQL parameter in Postman:

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